25 October 2009

Holier Than Thou?

So. I went to Mass twice this weekend. On Saturday, Sistra and I were serving at the 5pm Mass at our local parish. Grace (next sister down after Sistra) was originally supposed to serve, but she got sick. Sick people really shouldn't be on the altar. So I stepped in to serve for her and sat next to Sistra the whole Mass. We really shouldn't sit together... we end up giggling like mad at certain parts. Ex: we are going to rewrite the "Spirit Alive" song to fit a video game series we like (they're called the Tales series... Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Phantasia--the list goes on) in which characters known as Summon Spirits sometimes appear. So we're rewriting the horrible song with a most irreverent concept in mind... the only difference is that our version is meant to be irreverent, while the one written by the diocese is not. Maybe we'll finish it and sing it with Sistra's best friend and upload it to YouTube. If we do, I'll link to it, just for kicks and giggles.

Then today, Mum and Sistra and Princess (the littlest sister) and I all went to the High Mass at Saint Stan's. If you were there, try guessing who I was! =P I'm pretty distinctive, usually... at least, I like to think so. Anyway, I totally loved it, want to do it regularly, but I must admit... I got so completely lost during the Consecration. I ended up doing what I deem "the Holy Head-Bobbing Prayer"--alternately looking up at the altar and checking the motions of the priest and then looking down into the missal to try to figure out where on earth we are. Thank God for bells.

Fun thing that I learned: getting my hands on a copy of The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton is easier than expected. I have a tendency to forget about Amazon.com when I'm book-shopping... usually, I live and die by Barnes and Noble or the library system: neither of which have an easily accessible copy. Hopefully, I will be getting that book soon... but I won't be reading it until after I'm done with the Lord of the Rings. It's my JRP book (err... books) so I need to finish them.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to try to remember to begin my Quest For A Proper Chalice. Thank you to all the very nice people at Saint Stanislaus who told me about Chesterton and listened to me ramble after Mass!


The Well Done Review said...

"Latin Mass is just so much more FUN!"


Anonymous said...

Hey, Inky-dinky, you've been outed! (And so have you, Arialdus! ;-)

haha, my capcha is "aditud" - love it!

Ink's Mom

The Well Done Review said...

1,2,3,4,5,6,7...i think there were seven people that I could be...but shhh


Ink said...

Mmm.... no, sorry. =P Some of the people behind the Chesterton desk told me about you. MUAHAHAHA~

The Well Done Review said...

That sounds like fishing to me...trying to eliminate the fellas behind the table...

Option 1) I was behind the table...would I then let you assume I wasn't? Or, would I, supposing you to be particularly crafty, assume you'd see through that plot, suddenly realizing I in fact was behind the table...well, you can see the Princess Bride Iocane powder conundrum here.

Option 2) I say: "You did nothing of the sort! You did not ask either of us anything!"

Option 3) There were, I believe, at least 5 people outside the table...who's to say who's who?

Regardless, this is not public conversation fodder. Should our dear friends at the Diocese look to give anyone a hard time, it is beneficial to maintain some level of anonymity.

Bishop Clark said...


Gretchen said...

Wow, so Bishop Clark is hanging out at the Latin High Masses these days? You guys really are making progress!

In the choir loft said...

Greetings, Ink et al. I just stumbled into your site. If you need any help finding your way through that red Latin-English missal, I'd be glad to help. I was in the choir, as you can probably tell by my name, huh?

Not sure if you have this website about the Mass, but it is

Good stuff! I'll be checking back to read the posts. We'll run into each other at the TLM.

As the traddies say, "see you at the communion rail" or "see you in the confession line". :) :) :)

Oremus pro invicem.