18 January 2010

Warning: Rant

So yesterday we ended up going to 4pm Mass at Saint Michael's instead. Before I get all up-in-arms about what I planned to rant about, I'd like to note that I hereby want to get married in a beautifully ornate church like Saint Michael's or Saint Stan's.

The deacon yesterday said the homily... he was difficult to understand, since the gain on his mike was turned up too much and he projected well without it. I'm wondering if he went to deacon school with the deacon from MoS, since they both say "Amen" at the end of homilies like it's a question. It's not.

Now, my rant. My dad, for some reason, listens to NPR. I find it frustrating, since they're all so... well, if I speak my mind, I'll be going to Confession every day for a week so I'll just let you all imagine. Anyway, the broadcast was about linking Obama to Martin Luther King, Jr. There were all sorts of mentions of Black Power and the Black Panthers and how they were all so great. Forgive me while I scoff, but if we pasty-palefaces did that, they'd call us fascist, Mussolini, or Hitler. It brings me back around to thinks like Gay Pride... what about Straight Pride, or White Power, or Nerds Rule The World? It's getting so silly that I keep expecting the Monty Python Silly Police to come in: "No no no, this sketch is getting too silly, too silly. Move along now... go on, move along. Too silly, too silly..."

One cannot have true equality until people stop saying, "I am more deserving than you."

On a related note, Sistra and Mum and I are going on the March for Life this year! Sistra and I have to reschedule our Friday exams, but that is okay because it's an excused absence. I'll see if I can take some good pictures... going up Capitol Hill usually yields some fabulous ones, looking down at the crowd behind you and seeing the sheer masses of people.


Anonymous said...

MLK is nothing more than a racist womanizer like Jesse Jackson. The only reason why he is so beloved is because he was assassinated, and is thus perceived as a sort of martyr for the Civil Rights movement. What he fought for was truly noble and worthy, but MLK is far from the saintly man that people attempt to paint him as.

Matt said...

A buddy back in high school was so irritated about black history month followed by women's history month that he proposed "white male history month" where we celebrate all the accomplishments of white males throughout history. Of course, this is both racist and misogynistic! :P

in any case, with whom are you going to the March? I'm heading there with St John of Rochester. Can't wait to see the turnout this year!

Ink said...

Sistra and Mum and I are going independently... there are some old friends with whom we plan to rendezvous. Maybe the ROC bloggers can set up a meeting time and place along the way, though?

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to say I agree with you, lady. :P

I don't believe in History Month...and I'm half a race minority and 100% minority in being a woman. I too think people need to be more humble and not think they deserve more than others...(although I would gladly take Nerds Rule the World Day so long as Fashionistas with Cosmos Day could happen as well. ;)

Monty Python? Silly Police? See now, look what you've done. You've made me smile. That's far too silly!

Also I need to add that people like Dr. King had a purpose, just like Susan B. Anthony did. Credit is due where credit is due, so long as people don't overcompensate, which we often do. Remember that.

About the Deacon...is this Freshman English teacher's father we're talking about here?

Note: I smell a typo at "thinks like Gay Pride." (Sorry, I will be a Grammar Nazi to you, since you are to me. ;)

Have fun tomorrow on your rally!

(I'd be studying right now but...there really...isn't...anything to study...I love 11H English XD)

~Starlight Rhodes

Mike Shea said...

Here's one for the FWIW department: From what I could see - or not see - neither NBC, CBS nor ABC mentioned the March for Life in their Friday TV broadcasts. (I didn't check Fox.)

However, NPR did at least let their viewers know that it took place, in a story that consumed a whole 21 seconds of air time.