16 April 2009

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Today in theology class, we did some research on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It was interesting to see other peoples' views on the parable itself.

The above article mirrors my thoughts on the parable after reading it in class. I never did understand why most people related best to the prodigal son, or why, as students, we were introduced from the perspective of the son and how God will always take us back. I mean, I've been pretty devout my whole life.

Here's what's particularly special about seeing the parable from the perspective of the older son: the father told the elder son that anything in his estate was open to him. The elder son merely never thought to ask. So those of us who feel as if we have done our darndest to stay close to God for as long as we can remember? We might be forgetting God's graces. And forgetting God's grace defeats the purpose of following Him, does it not? We follow God because He has granted us His grace. We cannot ever forget that. We must remember, also, that He is always with us and hears our pleas for help.

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