15 October 2009

"Keeping the Spirit Alive" is making my spirit die

I really, really loathe that song. You know. THAT SONG. The one that is sung in the Rochester diocese to "Keep the Spirit Alive."

The entire song is all about "us" and "we" and, to sum it up in Sistra's pithy phrasing, "Look at us, we're so great! We're helping other people, blah blah blah this song is not about God at ALL even though it really should be." She added, "It's a song about money. I hate that song."

For those that don't know it, I'll quote the refrain.

Keeping the spirit alive
It will help our faith to thrive
In gratitude we're called to give
So those that need can love and live
We'll spread the news that God is good
We're keeping the spirit alive.

Honestly, I don't understand how giving money to people in need allows them to love and live. They're already loving and living--it's human nature. Maybe so they can love and live a bit more comfortably... and wait, since when does giving money to the DoR even ensure that the money is going to a good place?

Another point: spreading the news that God is good usually involves, you know, evangelization. It's such a scary word to DoR leaders, it seems... it's not bad to tell people about your faith. I do it all the time to correct errors on the part of teachers. Believe me, they happen more frequently than I'd care to admit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to the blog. Keep up the fine work! It's great to hear the perspectives of a DoR student.

~Dr. K