15 May 2010

Pet Peeves on Sundays (or Saturday evenings)

1. Sloppily-dressed people at Mass
2. People trying to hold my hand during the Our Father
3. Is it that hard to bow in front of the Tabernacle...?
4. Crazy hippies
5. Standing or crossing in front of the priest
6. Say the black, do the red. It's colour-coded, people.
7. Assuming that "vocation" only means dedication of oneself to the religious life
8. "But why do you want to go back to the old ways?"

...I'm too tired to come up with more. I'll edit this later in a different colour if I think up any more.


Mike Shea said...

Good list, Ink.

I would add: People who insist on genuflecting before receiving communion, thereby risking a multi-body pileup should the poor soul immediately behind them be even slightly distracted.

BTW, I can see that C.S. Lewis is having an effect on you, perhaps subconsciously.

On our side of the pond (and lake) it's supposed to be color, not colour.

Ink said...

Actually, I've done this for years--blame it on Mum, who exposed me to British authors before basically any other. I was raised on Roald Dahl and C.S. Lewis's Narnia series...

As for genuflecting before reception of Eucharist--go fast. I've mastered the timing so that I'm standing as soon as the person in front of me is turning away.