16 May 2010

First Communion

Finally, my promise to be nice has run its 24-hour course.

So I really enjoyed the fact that the church was packed. And I also enjoyed that Fr. Sam gave a fantastic homily, stressing the need to make Mass a family affair. And I enjoyed that they had some of the First Communicants do the readings--they are so adorable. ^_^

It was what happened next that really irked me. Sr. Leandra decided to jump in on the homily time and present something to the little munchkins. She re-told the Gospel story and watered it way down... and that's all I gathered because I checked out. >_>;

Skip ahead to the consecration, when all the little First Communicants were called up to stand around the altar with Father. List of things wrong with this picture:
1. There were about 60 of them, all clustered around the altar.
2. They stood between Father and the altar. Not acceptable. You do not cross or stand in front of the priest.
3. If you want everyone behind the priest to watch the consecration, why not just have Mass ad orientam anyway?
4. Apparently, they had told the Faith Formation classes that they did not have to wear a white dress or suit and could just "wear whatever." So there were a very few people not in white/suit. Not many (just one or two) but it still sort of ruined the effect...

It doesn't help that there were many families who (very obviously) never bring their children to Mass, and the small ones were literally pounding around the back of the church. My big-sister instinct was to reach out (we were in the back row), scoop them up, and sit them next to me (or on my lap, since I was rather squished) and inform them that this was church and they had to sit quietly and listen. But... they weren't my siblings or cousins, so I couldn't do so... alas.

All in all, the ceremony was nice but I really wish it had more meat to it, and that it wasn't so weird. Apparently there were "liturgical hand motions," but I didn't see them because I'm a little on the short side...


Anonymous said...

Your pastor is probably a year away from retirement (b. 3/18/1941). Brighter days are ahead.

~Dr. K

In the choir loft said...

Did any of the kids receive on the tongue? At OLV the other week all of the kids knelt and received on the tongue.

Anonymous said...

Dr. K, our pastor is away on a six month sabbatical. The cat is away, the mouse will play...

Also, FWIW, he won't retire until he's 71.

Ink's Mum