19 May 2010

Inky Blogthon and the Quest for the Proper Chalice--DENIED

Gah. I am frustrated. How on earth does this work...?

I went to speak to the campus minister the other day about getting Aquinas a "real" chalice. She informed me that, apparently, they already have something like sixteen. But, instead, we use the earthenware set because it was made specifically for Aquinas.

What I don't understand is how we are allowed to use earthenware. According to the GIRM, breakable vessels are not appropriate to be used for the Blessed Sacrament. Earthenware is about as breakable as it comes, next to glass. Apparently, Aquinas has been "dispensed" from these requirements because the clay set was made specially for us.

How do you get dispensed from a flat-out rule, which is spelled out quite clearly in a Church document? The DoR never ceases to amaze me.


Mike Shea said...

In DOR one does not bother to request a dispensation from a Church rule; rather, one merely dispenses oneself.

It's a much quicker that way and there's no risk of someone saying "no."

Ink said...

That sounds an awful lot like the tech-theatre rule: Do it first, then apologize later. Don't ask permission and get shot down. (But usually whatever "it" is is not super-destructive and highly entertaining. And the mess gets cleaned up... eventually.)

Mike Shea said...

Grace Hopper, the first female admiral in the U.S. Navy, once said,

"It's easier to ask forgiveness than it is to get permission."

Wikipedia says merely that this quote is often attributed to her, but I actually heard her say it in a 1980s 60 Minutes segment.

Gen said...

Ink - would you mind e-mailing me? I have a bit of a proposition for you which you might find interesting, at the very least.
