01 June 2010


In an attempt to find the clause which excludes women from the priesthood in the Code of Canon Law (my search was, regrettably, unsuccessful due to sidetracking), I got very, very sidetracked. I won't go through the explanation--suffice to say, my mind makes itself dizzy. However, I found a wonderful site which is my new favourite for the afternoon! Sancta Missa. How did I not find this before??


Anonymous said...

"Can. 1024 Only a baptised man can validly receive sacred ordination."


The progressive counter to this is, get this, "define man."

Ink said...

Thanks, Dr. K! That's a really dumb argument... like they're trying to be lawyers and push an agenda instead of follow the will of God.

Mike Shea said...

The official Latin version uses "vir," not "homo":

Can. 1024 — Sacram ordinationem valide recipit solus vir baptizatus.

Joe @ Defend Us In Battle said...

You didnt find Sancta Missa before... because obviously you don't go to my blog enough and look at the sidebar :(